Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Talking cavities with Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk

Let's face it, one word nobody wants to hear when they visit the dentist is "cavity." That’s right, the dreaded cavity. But what exactly is a cavity and how do you get one? A cavity is a hole that develops in a tooth when the tooth begins to decay. It’s important to get a cavity filled as soon as it’s detected so that it does not grow bigger.

So, what causes a cavity? A cavity is caused by plaque, a sticky substance that forms on the tooth as a result of germ and bacteria build-up. Plaque is acidic and as it clings to your teeth the acids eat away the outside of the tooth (also called the enamel) and a hole is formed.

Yes, cavities can be repaired by Drs. Ressler, Hirschl or Lelchuk, but here are a few simple steps you can take to prevent cavities:

• Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least twice daily
• Gently brush your gums to keep them healthy (when choosing a toothbrush it is recommended to use soft bristles)
• Floss your teeth at least once a day to remove plaque and food that may be caught between the teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach
• Limit the amount of soda and sugary treats you eat/drink
• Be sure to visit Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS every six months for a teeth cleaning and check-up

Friday, April 23, 2010

Teeth whitening addiction in Miami

Let's face it, people want to look and feel great, and at a time when a set of sparkling teeth might mean the difference between getting a job, more and more Floridians are complaining about irritation and bleeding gums, translucent teeth and even excessive teeth sensitivity, especially to cold food and drink items.

At Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS, you can whiten your smile in one appointment or receive at-home procedures and products. We also offer deep bleaching, the only method that insures dramatic whitening for dark teeth and custom bleaching trays.

Lastly, our friends at WebMD have written a helpful article on teeth whitening addiction, and we encourage you to give it a read if you suspect you may have a teeth whitening addiction.

Have we seen you in the past six months? If not, give us a call!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oh no! Miami makes the ‘14 worst-teeth cities’ list!

What makes for a beautiful smile? Drs. Lelchuk, Hirschl and Ressler will tell you regular dental visits, brushing and flossing, minimizing your intake of soda and coffee and not smoking, among other factors, will maximize your chances of achieving great oral health. Our friends at TotalBeauty in 2009 released their list of the “14 Worst-Teeth Cities,” and our team at Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS is sad to report Miami was chosen among the fourteen.

Here’s an excerpt from the article: "Florida residents love their coffee and wine, and that puts them on this list. They are no. 2 in coffee consumption and also imbibe an average of 4.09 gallons of wine a year per person* (the U.S. average is 3.02 gallons annually). That plus hard water and a rank of no. 37 in dental visits means there are some seriously stained teeth in Miami."

Have you been perfecting your smile by visiting Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS every six months? If not, it’s time to schedule an appointment! And don’t forget the old dental saying: “Be true to your teeth or they’ll be false to you!”

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk want to know: What do you love about Miami?

With offices in Miami Beach and North Miami, the offices of Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk are situated around some pretty special neighborhoods. Each is unique with its own personality, created by the people and places (and our amazing patients) living within.

Today, Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk thought we'd ask: What are your favorite things about Miami? Is there a local event you attend every year? Do you have a favorite eatery? Perhaps you have a special bond with a place somewhere in the city? Maybe you've got a favorite south Florida get-away spot?

Please feel free to share some information about your favorite local hang-outs in Miami, and everything you love best about “your neck of the woods.” And, who knows, we might just post your response on our social networks!