Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Flossing 101

Here is a very concise photo illustration explaining the proper way to floss your teeth. Many people think that flossing is only to get the food out from in between your teeth, when actually flossing should be done every day on every tooth to help protect your teeth and gums. For more information on flossing, visit our website, or give us a call!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tell Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk what's on your mind!

Week after week, our team at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk blogs about important topics pertinent to dental care and your well-being, including innovative dental techniques we offer. Today, we thought we’d step back and ask you, our loyal patients and readers: what’s on your mind? What would you like to know about the field of dentistry? What would you like us to focus on our blog in the coming months? Let us know by posting here or on our Facebook fan page!

So… take it away and we’ll try to answer any questions you may have!

-Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk

Monday, August 9, 2010

Facebook for parents, from Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk

Many parents tend to sign up for Facebook accounts and ‘friend’ their kids, often as a way to keep an eye on their online activities. But then what? Many parents in this digital age are still lost when it comes to monitoring their kids online.

Last fall, parenting author Vicki Courtney wrote a helpful post on the things parents should and shouldn’t do while surfing through their kids’ Facebook profiles. Our team at Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk thought you might benefit from reading Vicki’s interesting piece.

Here are “Top Ten Facebook No-Nos for Parents,” designed specifically for those moms and dads who aren’t sure whether they’ve crossed the line in monitoring their kids’ presence online.

We hope you find this article informational. Please let us know what you think! Feel free to connect with us on our Facebook page, or you can give us a call!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ask Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk: What does gum disease look like?

Patients are always asking our team at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk about their oral health and the symptoms of gum disease (also known as periodontal disease). Gum disease is caused by plaque, which creates toxins that can be damaging to your gums. That's why Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk remind all of our patients to brush twice a day and to floss regularly!

The two main stages of gum disease are gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the earlier stage of gum disease that can be corrected by proper oral care habits, while periodontitis is the more advanced stage of gum disease that can result in the loss of teeth. Because gum disease is usually painless, you may not know you have it, that's why it is so important to visit the doctor regularly. These are the symptoms of gum disease:

-Gums that bleed easily
-Red, swollen, tender gums
-Gums that have pulled away from the teeth
-Persistent bad breath or bad taste
-Pus between your teeth and gums
-Permanent teeth that are loose or separating
-Any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
-Any change in the fit of partial dentures

If you or anyone in your family notices any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately! Don't hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions about gum disease or your oral health.