Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This Year, Make a New Year’s Resolution to Smile About!

Let’s face it- when was the last time you managed to keep a New Year’s resolution? Everyone at the office of Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk DDS PA, believes the key to sticking to a goal is picking one that is both reasonable and attainable. If you haven’t yet picked a New Year’s resolution, consider setting one that will improve your oral health!

For example, resolve to brush twice and floss once a day. Good oral hygiene only takes a few minutes a day, and can make a big difference in your oral health and overall health too! For more oral health-themed resolutions for you and your family, check out this article.

We would love to see what you come up with, share with us by commenting on this post or on our Facebook page. Whatever your New Year’s Resolution, we wish you the very best for 2011!

-Happy New Year, from your friends at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk DDS PA

Monday, December 20, 2010

Beware of those Christmas goodies!

The office of Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk knows that maintaining a healthy diet over the holiday season can prove a difficult task. After all, who can resist the tasty treats of Christmas? With grandma and everybody else offering you candy, chocolate logs or Christmas pudding, you just can’t say “I’ll pass” each time. But trouble lurks: every time you chow down on that chocolate or candy, the bacteria in your mouth have a feast on the sugar—at your expense. The sugar turns into acid, and the acid eats away at the enamel on your teeth. Then, you start getting cavities.

Instead, our friends at the American Dental Association recommend nuts or dried fruit, which are a nice alternative to sugars and have a greater nutritional value—and can satisfy your sweet tooth! Both nuts and fruit are a great source of fiber and act as an appetite suppressant. In addition, nuts are a great source of Vitamin E, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B9, nutrients that contribute to a healthy immune system. Nuts are also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked with reducing heart disease and lower blood pressure.

If you must indulge in chocolaty goodness this Christmas or holiday season, remember to brush your teeth after eating sugary treats. Hope this helps! Give us a call if you have any questions!

--Drs. Allen Ressler, Andrew Hirschl, and Ira Lelchuk

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What do you love about the holidays?

In this season given to tidings of comfort and joy, and as the team at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk reflect on the year that was, we’d like to ask you, our wonderful patients: What do you love about the holidays this year? Being with your loved ones? A clean slate for 2010? Opening presents by the fireplace? All the delicious food? Also, what gift are you most looking forward to getting this year?

We’d love if you shared with us all the things you love about the holidays. Stay warm,
and don’t forget to stay away from those sweets!

--The team at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bottled Water May Be Behind Tooth Troubles

The office of Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk, DDS, PA want you to know that as more families turn to bottled water and away from the tap, they may be missing out on one important ingredient that most brands of bottled water fail to include: fluoride!

As of 2005, bottled water is second only to soft drinks as the most popular drink in the United States, beating out milk, juice, and – more significantly – tap water. Between 2001 and 2006, the amount of bottled water sold in the U.S. rose an average of 10% per year. And many dental health specialists point to bottled water’s increased popularity as the culprit behind rising rates of cavities.

Because fluoride helps strengthen teeth, it is an important component of maintaining good oral health. The benefits of fluoride were noticed in the early part of the twentieth century, when researchers found communities with low levels of tooth decay. It turned out that these towns had measurable levels (around 1 part per million) of fluoride in their drinking water.

Beginning in the 1940s, communities have fluoridated their water supplies, and dentists have seen a significant decline in cavities ever since. The American Dental Association endorses both community water fluoridation and the use of fluoride-containing products as a safe means of preventing tooth decay. Between tap water and toothpaste, most of us get sufficient amounts of fluoride.

But if your family avoids fluoridated tap water in favor of ever-more-popular bottled water, you could be missing out on the levels of fluoride necessary to make a difference in your oral health.

If bottled water is your water of choice, check the label to make sure that your brand contains fluoride. As of a 2006 decision, the FDA allows bottled water containing .6 to 1.0 milligrams per liter of fluoride to carry a label stating that fluoridated water may reduce the risk of dental cavities or tooth decay. The ADA has backed this decision.

Of course, simply drinking fluoridated water is not a magic ticket to perfect teeth. To keep your choppers in tip-top shape, it’s important to brush and floss daily and avoid sugary sweets, in addition to maintaining your fluoride intake and visiting us at the office of Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk DDS, PA regularly.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Fall into reading!

How better to spend the fall months than inside by the fireplace with a warm cup of cider and a book in hand? Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk encourage you to warm up your mind this season with a few great books. Sure it may be easy to put off reading when balancing a hectic schedule, but reading is vital to brain development. Besides, reading is fun!

This week, we thought we’d ask: What are YOU reading this fall? Do you have any suggestions for must-read books this year? Out of ideas for great fall reads? Ask us for suggestions, and our staff would be happy to provide a few suggestions. You may also ask a local librarian for some ideas or check out these fall reading ideas that we came across today, courtesy of Amazon.

Happy reading! Be sure to share with us your fall picks or your all-time favorites on our Facebook page.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk and team would like to wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy a day filled of friends, family, and great Thanksgiving food!

What are you most thankful for this year? Leave us a comment, or if you have any stories or pictures to share with us, we encourage you to share them on our Facebook page!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk recommend fluoride!

There are so many ways you protect your teeth. You brush your teeth twice a day, floss regularly and protect your mouth and appliances from being damaged. But did you know there is another, often forgotten about, way to keep your teeth clean and healthy? Fluoride – a mineral that helps prevent cavities and tooth decay – can help keep your teeth strong! Fluoride comes in two varieties: topical and systemic. Topical fluoride is applied directly to the tooth. Topical fluoride includes toothpastes and mouth rinses. Systemic fluorides are swallowed in the form of a dietary supplement.

Fluoride used in the dentists' office is often times a stronger concentration than in toothpaste or mouthwash, but is available at some drug stores or a pharmacy (ask your doctor how to purchase professional strength fluoride). A fluoride treatment typically takes just a few minutes. After the treatment patients may be asked not to rinse, eat or drink for at least 30 minutes in order to allow the teeth to absorb the fluoride. Depending on your oral health or doctor’s recommendation, you may be required to have a fluoride treatment every three, six or 12 months. Your doctor may also prescribe a fluoride product such as mouthwashes, gels or antibacterial rinses for at-home treatment.

When choosing your own fluoride product, be sure to check for the American Dental Association’s (ADA) seal of acceptance. Products marked with the ADA seal of approval have been carefully examined and have met the criteria of the ADA for safety and effectiveness. Take care of your teeth, and smile bright!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cold and Flu Season is Here- Replace Your Toothbrush!

Fall is here, and with it the dreaded cold and flu season. After recovering from your cold, Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk will tell you one of the most important steps you can take to avoid becoming reinfected is replacing your toothbrush!

Germs can linger on the bristles, and you risk prolonging your sickness by continuing to use the same toothbrush. Be smart - keep a spare, just in case! To protect your toothbrush from bacteria all year long, consider the following tips:

• Wash your hands before and after brushing
• Allow the brush to air dry after each use, harmful bacteria dies after being exposed to oxygen
• Store the toothbrush in an upright position to allow water to drain and dry faster
• Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months. Worn bristles are less effective in properly cleaning your teeth, and can actually be damaging to teeth if used too long!

Hope this tip helps! Feel free to call us at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk if you have any questions or ask us on Facebook.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What’s so bad about nail biting?

We’ve all heard that biting your nails is an awful habit, but you many wonder- really- what’s so bad about it? Recently, our team at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk found an interesting article that discusses how biting your nails affect your teeth and oral health.

Nail biting, also known as Onychophagia, is a common habit among various age groups, including primarily children, teens and young adults. Nail biting is generally triggered by stress and most often decreases with age. That being said, nail biting is unsanitary, unattractive, as well as unhealthy for your teeth!

Here’s why:
It’s unsanitary. Your nails are dirty, almost twice as dirty as your fingers! Hence, biting your nails is just asking for germs and bacteria.
No good things come to your teeth. Nail biting causes your teeth to constantly be chewing, which is not good for them. This excessive motion wears your teeth down faster than a non-nail biter’s and puts a large amount of stress on your front teeth- contributing to teeth misalignment.
It can be costly. Nail biting can result in up to $4,000 in additional dental bills over one lifetime, according to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). Yikes!

What can you do about it?
Now that you know how harmful nail biting can be, it’s time to take action to break your nail biting habit. Try to be conscious of your fingernails and to keep them looking good- this will help you resist the temptation. Ask Dr. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk or visit the article for tips on how to break a nail biting habit.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Don’t leave money on the table!

Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuck and team would like to give those patients with flex spending, health savings, or insurance benefits a friendly end of the year reminder that it's high time to schedule your dental visits so you optimize your benefit. You may also want to begin planning for 2011 flex spending.

Don't hesitate to call us today to get in for your cleaning, dental care and whitening for those holiday parties!

Thank you,

-Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How to care for your Dentures, from Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk

Dentures, just like natural teeth, require daily maintenance in order to stay clean and keep bacteria from growing inside of your mouth. Here are a few tips on how to keep your dentures clean and healthy:

• When handling your dentures, stand over a clean, folded towel or a sink full of water. This way, if you accidentally drop your dentures, they are less likely to break.

• Even if you have a full set of dentures, it’s important to keep your gums and tongue clean. Be sure to use a soft-bristled brush to gently clean your gums and tongue every day.

• Your dentures are not immune from plaque and tartar build-up, so it’s important that you brush your dentures every day. To brush your dentures, use a soft-bristled brush and gently brush the surfaces of the dentures being careful not to break or bend the plastic. In between brushings, it’s important to rinse your dentures after each meal.

• Use a gentle cleanser to clean your dentures. Many toothpastes, household cleaners, and mouthwashes can be too hard on your dentures, so it is recommended that you use a mild hand or dish soap to get your dentures clean. Be sure to check for the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval to choose products that are safe for your dentures, or ask Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk about which products may be best for you.

• When you are not wearing your dentures, they need to be kept moist. Dentures that are not kept in a denture cleaning solution or in water can dry out, lose their shape or even crack and break. Certain styles of dentures require certain soaking solutions, so be sure to ask Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk which solution is best for you.

These simple tips will help you keep your dentures clean and your mouth healthy! If by chance your dentures do break, there are special at-home kits that will help you repair them, but it is always best to call Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk and schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"What is LANAP?" Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk explain!

North Miami Beach and Mount Sinani expert dentists, Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk, specialize in the early detection of oral cancer. We offer our patients the newest state-of-the-art technology, to ensure that we cater to our patients’ unique dental needs. Today, we would like to share a great video, which discusses LANAP, or the FDA approved Laser-assisted new attachment procedure for the treatment of periodontal disease (also known as gum disease).

As always, don’t hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions about this new periodontal surgery, or if you would like a few tips for improving your gum care or daily oral hygiene habits. Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk can help you take proactive steps to prevent gingivitis and gum disease.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Are you paying proper attention to your oral health? From Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk

Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk know how important it is that you maintain good oral health by brushing and flossing daily, and visiting your dentist every six months. Recently, our team came across this great article from Dr. Oz that discusses new research correlations that have been found between proper oral health, the health of your heart, and more.

Even when you are brushing and flossing teeth regularly, it is inevitable that plaque will build up on the surface of your teeth. However, at first, this plaque can be easily removed with a toothbrush. When you wait a day, or weeks, to brush your teeth, plaque begins to harden and may only be removed by your dentist.

If this plaque and tarter isn’t removed, gingivitis can advance into periodontitis, which is a much more serious disease. Periodontal disease affects not only your mouth, but also the overall health of your body. According to research, “the onslaught of bacteria, immune cells and inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein and other cytokines, may directly or indirectly influence or injure tissue to cause or worsen some common chronic diseases.”

There are many conditions that have been linked to periodontal disease, including stroke, diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Although there is not enough research to prove any definite cause and effect between these conditions and your oral health, it is important to be aware that good oral care is an overall good habit.

That’s why Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk encourage all of our patients to brush, floss, and visit our office regularly. It is important that you pay proper attention to your oral health, so as to avoid more serious health issues down the road. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call today to schedule your next appointment.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ask Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk: Is sedation dentistry right for me?

While Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk strives to offer a comfortable experience for all our patients, we realize that fear or anxiety while visiting the dentist can affect many people anyway. For patients who need extra comfort and relaxation during their dental visit, we are pleased to offer sedation dentistry.

Do you feel nervous or stressed about your upcoming dental treatment? Well you’re not alone; in fact, almost 30 percent of the population experiences "dental phobia" when faced with visiting the dentist!

The reasons for patients' fear of the dentist can be numerous, but are usually due to a traumatic experience during their childhood. This overwhelming anxiety can cause one to avoid modern dental care, resulting in poor oral hygiene and possible mouth-related issues such as gum disease.

You may benefit from sedation dentistry if you experience one or more of the following:

* High fear of dental care
* Complex dental problems
* Traumatic dental experiences
* Fear of needles and shots
* Trouble getting numb
* Sensitive teeth

If you suffer from dental phobia, sedation dentistry may be the answer. Please give us a call for more info about sedation dentistry, and we'll be more than happy to answer your questions.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Are there teeth grinders in your house?

Grind, grind, grind. If you live with a teeth grinder, you may be familiar with this unpleasant sound, especially recently. A recent study published in the journal Head & Face Medicine suggests that people—adults and kids—faced with stress tend to cope by grinding their teeth. In addition, the Chicago Dental Society suggests that since the recession began in 2007, teeth grinding, or bruxism, has been on the rise.

The Chicago Dental Society surveyed more than 250 members about the connection between stress and oral health. Nearly 75 percent of dentists said their patients reported increased stress over the past year, largely due to the economic recession. During stressful times, teeth grinding can be a nuisance that causes headaches and sleep problems, but it also can cause lasting problems for your teeth and gums, including chipped teeth, worn enamel, chronic pain, or even TMJ, a painful jaw disorder.

The first step of recovering from teeth grinding is noticing the problem, says Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk. Symptoms of teeth grinding include:

• Sensitivity in the teeth
• Tightness or pain in the jaw
• Dull headaches, earaches, or facial pain
• Chipped, worn down, or loose teeth

An important thing to remember is that people frequently grind their teeth in response to stress, and taking measures to reduce or eliminate stress can help solve the problem. If the teeth-grinder in your house can’t stop, schedule an appointment to see us by giving us a call. Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk and our team can help determine the cause of the problem.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A great article about changes in dentistry, from Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk

The world around us is always changing and evolving, whether it’s the latest gadget you ordered online or the high-tech braces on your teeth! Recently, we read an article in the New York Times about dental implants, and how they are becoming increasingly favored over bridges to replace lost teeth. One thing to remember about dental implants is that they need to be cared for just like your regular teeth; daily brushing and flossing are a must! The ideal candidate for implants has good oral health, including a sufficient amount of bone in the jaw and healthy gums with no sign of gum disease.

Call us today to schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation with Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk to discuss your implant options.

-Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk and team

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September is National Gum Care Month

Gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease, can be difficult to recognize. Many people do not recognize the warning signs - bleeding and swollen gums - as a precursor to gum disease. This month, a national campaign is underway to raise awareness about gum health and periodontal disease, and we at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk wanted to do our part to help spread the word!

Early recognition and action are the most important steps to health gums, and ultimately a health body too! Studies are published every year linking oral health, including the gums, to the health of other areas of the body, such as the heart. One of the most important steps to improving the care of your gums is recognizing the warning signs for gum disease. These can include:

• Gums that appear red or swollen
• Gums that feel tender
• Gums that bleed easily (during brushing or flossing)
• Gums that recede or pull away from the teeth
• Persistent halitosis, or bad breath
• Loose teeth
• Any change in the way teeth come together in the biting position

If you notice any of these signs, schedule an appointment with our office as soon as possible. We can take proactive steps to prevent gingivitis and gum disease, while showing you how to improve gum care in your daily oral hygiene habits.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mr. Bean goes to the dentist!

How about a treat today? Here's a little classic dental humor for you to enjoy, from the bumbling yet lovable British spy, Mr. Bean. We loved it, and know you'll get a laugh as well. Enjoy "Mr. Bean Goes to the Dentist”!

If you have any other video suggestions you think we should share with other patients, please let us know!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Flossing 101

Here is a very concise photo illustration explaining the proper way to floss your teeth. Many people think that flossing is only to get the food out from in between your teeth, when actually flossing should be done every day on every tooth to help protect your teeth and gums. For more information on flossing, visit our website, or give us a call!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tell Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk what's on your mind!

Week after week, our team at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk blogs about important topics pertinent to dental care and your well-being, including innovative dental techniques we offer. Today, we thought we’d step back and ask you, our loyal patients and readers: what’s on your mind? What would you like to know about the field of dentistry? What would you like us to focus on our blog in the coming months? Let us know by posting here or on our Facebook fan page!

So… take it away and we’ll try to answer any questions you may have!

-Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk

Monday, August 9, 2010

Facebook for parents, from Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk

Many parents tend to sign up for Facebook accounts and ‘friend’ their kids, often as a way to keep an eye on their online activities. But then what? Many parents in this digital age are still lost when it comes to monitoring their kids online.

Last fall, parenting author Vicki Courtney wrote a helpful post on the things parents should and shouldn’t do while surfing through their kids’ Facebook profiles. Our team at Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk thought you might benefit from reading Vicki’s interesting piece.

Here are “Top Ten Facebook No-Nos for Parents,” designed specifically for those moms and dads who aren’t sure whether they’ve crossed the line in monitoring their kids’ presence online.

We hope you find this article informational. Please let us know what you think! Feel free to connect with us on our Facebook page, or you can give us a call!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ask Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk: What does gum disease look like?

Patients are always asking our team at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk about their oral health and the symptoms of gum disease (also known as periodontal disease). Gum disease is caused by plaque, which creates toxins that can be damaging to your gums. That's why Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk remind all of our patients to brush twice a day and to floss regularly!

The two main stages of gum disease are gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the earlier stage of gum disease that can be corrected by proper oral care habits, while periodontitis is the more advanced stage of gum disease that can result in the loss of teeth. Because gum disease is usually painless, you may not know you have it, that's why it is so important to visit the doctor regularly. These are the symptoms of gum disease:

-Gums that bleed easily
-Red, swollen, tender gums
-Gums that have pulled away from the teeth
-Persistent bad breath or bad taste
-Pus between your teeth and gums
-Permanent teeth that are loose or separating
-Any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
-Any change in the fit of partial dentures

If you or anyone in your family notices any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately! Don't hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions about gum disease or your oral health.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk present: Summer reading for the dads!

Hey dads! Are you looking for a great book to read this summer? We’ve got some suggestions! Recently, we came across “A Guy’s Summer Book Guide,” which happens to be a pretty cool resource if you’re shopping around for a great summer read! If you’re still not satisfied, check out this complete list of reading ideas from Barnes & Noble. The list includes bestsellers, new releases, classics, as well as books designed for everyone in the family!

Happy reading! Be sure to share with us your summer picks or your all-time favorites on our Facebook page!

-Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk and team

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pregnancy and your oral health, from Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk

Maintaining good oral health is an vital aspect of your overall well being, especially when you’re expecting. If you’re pregnant or considering pregnancy, schedule an appointment at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk, and remember to raise the issue of your oral health at prenatal appointments.

If pregnant, Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk want you to be aware of the following issues:

Tooth Decay
Excessive morning sickness can also contribute to tooth decay, as the acids in your stomach introduced to the mouth during vomiting wear away the protective enamel coating on your teeth.

Gingivitis & Gum Disease
This is a major issue. The precursor to gum disease is gingivitis, a condition in which plaque buildup on teeth irritates the gums, making them red, swollen and sensitive. The high levels of hormones in the bloodstream brought on by pregnancy exaggerate your gums’ reaction to irritation from plaque.

Loose Teeth
Another risk faced during pregnancy is loosening teeth. The large amounts of hormones in your bloodstream can have an unfavorable affect on the bones and ligaments that create the foundation of your teeth, weakening them to the point that teeth may loosen.

The ideal time to schedule an appointment at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk is before becoming pregnant. Our doctors will perform a check-up to determine the state of your oral health and how pregnancy might affect you. We will discuss completing any necessary treatments prior to your pregnancy. Give us a call today!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Government sites kids should check out this summer, from Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk

It may be summer, but that doesn’t mean the learning should stop. Our team at Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk thought we’d point your child to a few helpful websites to keep their minds sharp this summer, courtesy of our friends at More4Kids. Here are 12 helpful websites we think your child will love!

Do you have any great websites for summer learning? Please share them with us on our Facebook page, or by giving us a call. We always enjoy connecting with our patients in between office visits.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Artificial sweeteners and your child’s health

The media always seems to be debating over the health effects of artificial sweeteners, and aspartame is most surely one of the most controversial food additives to ever receive approval by the FDA. Here at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk, we try to provide you with the most up to date information on topics relating to the health of our patients and their loved ones. That is why we want to share with you a few facts that we recently learned in a Huffington Post article.

The many names of aspartame

Did you know that aspartame is now sold under many commercial names, including NutraSweet, Canderel, and AminoSweet? Yes, that’s right. When checking nutrition facts, it is important to keep an eye out for all of these ingredients! This sweetener can be found in diabetic foods, jams, breakfast cereals, chewing gum, soda, and even prescriptions and vitamins.

What’s so harmful about aspartame?

With over 10,000 official complaints, aspartame reactions are more commonly reported than that of all other food additives combined. Of these reports, two-thirds consist primarily of headaches, mood alterations, and hallucinations. Aspartame has also been linked to causing weight problems, the metabolism of amino acids, protein structure and metabolism, neuronal function and other primary functions.

How to treat your sweet tooth without the artificial sweets

Determining your nutritional type and the foods that your body craves is key to satisfying sugar cravings. The recommended fructose level is below 25 grams per day, which includes both natural and artificial sweeteners.

Next time you're in for an appointment, let us know if you have any questions about aspartame or on this article. As always, please remember to use a straw if you choose to sip soda, coffee, or other dark colored beverages to take care of that beautiful smile!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Getting social with Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk

In honor of Social Media Day, Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk would like to take today to discuss our approach to social media and online patient communications. At Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchukwe, we embrace technology and the benefits that it can bring to our office. Our high-tech website, innovative treatments, and social media presence, are all examples of ways that our office utilizes state-of-the-art technology.

As you might have noticed, we love engaging in conversation with our patients online. It’s great to connect with our patients, sharing news, ideas, and upcoming events at the office. We have found that our Facebook fan page and blog are great tools for making this connection.

Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk and our team are interested in hearing about your thoughts on social media. How would you prefer we use our social networks? What would you like to see us share on our blog? Let us know by commenting on our Facebook page or by giving us a call!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer plans?

It’s finally summer here at Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS!, a season full of vacations, adventures and great memories. Whether you are headed to a barbecue, a camping trip, hitting America’s open roads or just having fun in the backyard, our staff wants to hear all about it! Leave a comment on our blog or Facebook fan page and tell us about your summer!

We also encourage you to post any summer photos you may have to our Facebook wall!

Happy travels everybody!

Friday, June 18, 2010

More happy patients at Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS!

Our dental practice, serving Miami and surrounding communities, has been receiving some great patient reviews lately! Check out what our current patients are saying about Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk! Please feel free to contribute your own thoughts about our office!

"The care Dr. Ressler takes and the relax atmosphere of the office." ~ Yolanda M.

"TVs in each room! Very friendly staff who explain everything to you in laymen's terms." ~ Linda D.

"Friendly and customer service oriented. Everyone makes going to the dentist a pleasure." ~ Saul A.

"They are up to date with technology. I love it!" ~ Wanda D.

"I like everything (so far!), the office location, the internet accessibility, the office personnel - I like everything so far! Thanks." ~ Julia H.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The effects of smoking on your gums and oral health, from Dr. Hirschl

It’s long been established that smoking and tobacco use (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco) increases the risk of cancer, lung disease, heart disease, and other serious health problems. It is also a recognized risk factor for gum disease. Not only does tobacco use increase the occurrence of gum disease, it can also hinder the healing process by decreasing your ability to fight infection in your gums and make you susceptible to a variety of oral health problems at a faster rate than non-smokers.

Smoking is responsible for almost 75% of gum disease in adults, and, similar to smokers, adults who smoke pipes and cigars, as well as those using smokeless tobacco, are just as susceptible to gum disease and other tobacco related health problems.

As soon as you use tobacco products, you become more likely to experience any of these oral-health problems:

• Oral cancer
• Gum disease
• Tooth loss
• Loss of bone in the jaw
• Gum recession
• Delayed/impaired healing process after oral surgery or any other treatment
• Decreased success rate of dental implant (tooth replacement) procedures
• Mouth sores
• Loss of your sense of taste and smell
• Bad breath
• Tooth and tongue stains

If you are interested in protecting your oral health we strongly recommend you quit using tobacco products! The following steps are recommended by the Surgeon General to help you quit smoking and using tobacco:

• Get ready – set a quitting date and remove all materials from your home, car and office
• Get support
• Learn new skills and behaviors
• Get medication and use it correctly
• Be prepared for relapse or difficult situations

For support, start with Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS! We can help by recommending different options to help you quit, and above all we will support you throughout the quitting process. We are dedicated to helping you protect your oral health – and quitting smoking is significant step in the right direction.

Happy Friday and we hope you have a great weekend!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Dr. Ressler wants to know: What are your plans for Memorial Day weekend?

Memorial Day Weekend, a time when Americans everywhere stop and pay tribute to those men and women who have died in the service of our country.

Memorial Day also marks the unofficial start of summer 2010, and for many folks in Miami, getting out of town for three days after being cooped up in the office or in the classroom is sweet relief. After all, it’s a season of vacations, adventures and great memories. Whether you are headed to a barbecue, a camping trip, hitting Florida's open roads or hanging out in your backyard this weekend, our team wants to know all about it!

Our entire team would like to wish you a nice, safe, relaxing and memorable Memorial Day weekend!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Talkin' dairy with Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS

Drs. Lelchuk, Ressler and Hirschl want to know: is dairy a major part of your diet? If not, it should be! A 2008 study found that regular consumption of dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt, can lower your chances of contracting periodontal disease (also known as gum disease).

Gum disease is typically caused by a bacterial infection in the mouth that affects the gums and jaw, and results in a loss of teeth and bone. It has been connected in studies to certain cases of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory disease and, as you probably imagined, osteoporosis.

Results of the study show that adults who consume at least 55 grams of lactic acid a day are less at risk for gum disease. Eating dairy is not just healthy for building strong bones, but is essential for maintaining a strong, healthy mouth. Next time you reach for a quick snack, choose some cheese, or a glass of milk, and remember with each bite, and every sip you are preserving your teeth for a lifetime of smiles and good oral health!

For more information about keeping your teeth healthy, give us a call at 786-220-0246. Enjoy your weekend everyone!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Professional whitening trays at Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk

Have you been considering teeth whitening, but feel overwhelmed by the different options available to you? We wanted to inform you about all the best options for teeth whitening.

You've seen the toothpastes and mouthwashes aimed at giving you a whiter smile. These in-home products can help reduce stains from coffee, tobacco, tea, wine and other heavily pigmented foods, but they will not dramatically change the color of the teeth.

We're sure you have also seen the over the counter whitening strip kits. While these can work well for young adults and teens, their effect for adults is often not as effective. These strips only treat the front six or eight teeth, and cannot whiten your entire smile.

So what is the answer? One of the methods Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk offer is professional custom whitening trays. These are an easy way to whiten all of your teeth and allow you more control of the whitening process. Once we create your trays in the office, the whitening kit can be used in-home, and comes with custom whitening gel in various strengths depending on the sensitivity of your teeth.

These trays are comfortable to wear, and the application time is only about 15 to 30 minutes. If you have been considering a teeth whitening solution, give us a call at 786-220-0246 today!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Letterman discusses dentists - Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS

Our staff
at Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS recently came across a really funny clip of funnyman David Letterman talking about his experience with a dentist. In the video, he jokes about his frustration with his dentist and the hole in his mouth "the size of an above-ground pool." We loved this clip, and think you will as well - Letterman at his finest!

Have you been seen by Drs. Lelchuk, Hirschl or Ressler in the past six months? If not, please give us a call!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Talking cavities with Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk

Let's face it, one word nobody wants to hear when they visit the dentist is "cavity." That’s right, the dreaded cavity. But what exactly is a cavity and how do you get one? A cavity is a hole that develops in a tooth when the tooth begins to decay. It’s important to get a cavity filled as soon as it’s detected so that it does not grow bigger.

So, what causes a cavity? A cavity is caused by plaque, a sticky substance that forms on the tooth as a result of germ and bacteria build-up. Plaque is acidic and as it clings to your teeth the acids eat away the outside of the tooth (also called the enamel) and a hole is formed.

Yes, cavities can be repaired by Drs. Ressler, Hirschl or Lelchuk, but here are a few simple steps you can take to prevent cavities:

• Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least twice daily
• Gently brush your gums to keep them healthy (when choosing a toothbrush it is recommended to use soft bristles)
• Floss your teeth at least once a day to remove plaque and food that may be caught between the teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach
• Limit the amount of soda and sugary treats you eat/drink
• Be sure to visit Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS every six months for a teeth cleaning and check-up

Friday, April 23, 2010

Teeth whitening addiction in Miami

Let's face it, people want to look and feel great, and at a time when a set of sparkling teeth might mean the difference between getting a job, more and more Floridians are complaining about irritation and bleeding gums, translucent teeth and even excessive teeth sensitivity, especially to cold food and drink items.

At Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS, you can whiten your smile in one appointment or receive at-home procedures and products. We also offer deep bleaching, the only method that insures dramatic whitening for dark teeth and custom bleaching trays.

Lastly, our friends at WebMD have written a helpful article on teeth whitening addiction, and we encourage you to give it a read if you suspect you may have a teeth whitening addiction.

Have we seen you in the past six months? If not, give us a call!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oh no! Miami makes the ‘14 worst-teeth cities’ list!

What makes for a beautiful smile? Drs. Lelchuk, Hirschl and Ressler will tell you regular dental visits, brushing and flossing, minimizing your intake of soda and coffee and not smoking, among other factors, will maximize your chances of achieving great oral health. Our friends at TotalBeauty in 2009 released their list of the “14 Worst-Teeth Cities,” and our team at Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS is sad to report Miami was chosen among the fourteen.

Here’s an excerpt from the article: "Florida residents love their coffee and wine, and that puts them on this list. They are no. 2 in coffee consumption and also imbibe an average of 4.09 gallons of wine a year per person* (the U.S. average is 3.02 gallons annually). That plus hard water and a rank of no. 37 in dental visits means there are some seriously stained teeth in Miami."

Have you been perfecting your smile by visiting Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS every six months? If not, it’s time to schedule an appointment! And don’t forget the old dental saying: “Be true to your teeth or they’ll be false to you!”

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk want to know: What do you love about Miami?

With offices in Miami Beach and North Miami, the offices of Ressler Hirschl and Lelchuk are situated around some pretty special neighborhoods. Each is unique with its own personality, created by the people and places (and our amazing patients) living within.

Today, Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk thought we'd ask: What are your favorite things about Miami? Is there a local event you attend every year? Do you have a favorite eatery? Perhaps you have a special bond with a place somewhere in the city? Maybe you've got a favorite south Florida get-away spot?

Please feel free to share some information about your favorite local hang-outs in Miami, and everything you love best about “your neck of the woods.” And, who knows, we might just post your response on our social networks!

Monday, March 29, 2010

This April, play it safe! From Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk

April is almost upon us, and for Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk, that only means one thing: it’s once again time to remind our dear patients to protect their faces and pearly whites. After all, April, which is only two days away, is National Facial Protection Month. Nearly 60,000 people injure their faces annually while participating in sports activities, with children, high-school athletes and adults will have more than 5,000,000 teeth knocked out in sporting events each year, according to the National Youth Sports Safety Foundation.

And that is simply unacceptable.

By simply wearing a properly fitted mouth guard, these accidents could be prevented, along with other traumatic facial injuries, say Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk. Here are five tips to save face while having fun this spring. We hope you remember them when you’re out on the ball field.

1. Wear mouth guards for contact sports such as baseball, softball, soccer and lacrosse.
2. Wear a helmet
3. Wear protective eyewear
4. Wear a face shield to avoid scratched or bruised skin
5. Be alert, even as a spectator

If you have any further questions about any of these tips, please contact our team. And, remember to stay safe and have fun!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

5 tips to avoid plaque, from Drs. Hirschl, Lelchuk and Ressler

Drs. Hirschl, Lelchuk and Ressler know that nobody likes getting plaque on their teeth. Here are five other ways you can avoid that dreaded enemy of the teeth, courtesy of our friends at WebMD.

Let’s start with not brushing regularly. Brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride-containing toothpaste is vital to a healthy mouth. Make sure you softly brush all the surfaces of your teeth.

Next on the list is not flossing daily: a simple daily flossing between teeth clears away plaque before it can cause damage and can also clean plaque at the gum line. Plaque is known to reach the spaces between teeth.

Also, evading a trip to visit Drs. Hirschl, Lelchuk and Ressler is probably not a great idea. Let’s say you brush and floss daily. You’re still at risk for plaque. With time, the plaque hardens and turns into tartar. Consider visiting your dentist at least twice a year, and you have a lower chance of getting cavities or losing your teeth.

You’ll also want to stop avoiding those fruits and veggies. Believe it or not, there are foods out there that play a key role in keeping plaque off our teeth. They include apples, carrots, cucumbers and other raw fruits and vegetables. You can still eat these types of fruits and veggies if you have braces, but be sure to cut them up into bite sized pieces to avoid breaking off brackets.

Finally, before you pick that candy up, remember to not give in to your sweet tooth. Consuming sugary drinks or eating candy or other junk food allows sugar to stick to our teeth. The bacteria, then, becomes plaque, which turns into acid and damages our teeth. Avoiding these five bad habits keeps your plaque in check and your mouth as healthy as can be. If you have any questions, visit our web site on oral hygiene, or contact our Mount Sinai or North Miami Beach offices.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Oral cancer screening with VELscope® at Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk

In our continuing efforts to provide the most advanced technology and highest quality care available to our patients, the office of Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk is proud to announce the inclusion of the VELscope® exam as an integral part of our annual comprehensive oral cancer screening program. Every hour of every day in the United States someone dies of oral cancer, which is the sixth most common diagnosed form of the disease. The 5-year survival rate is only 50%, and oral cancer is one of the few cancers whose survival rate has not improved.

But there's a revolutionary device that provides us with an easy-to-use oral examination system for the early detection of abnormal soft tissue. Clinical studies have determined that using VELscope after the standard oral cancer examination improves the clinician's ability to identify, evaluate and monitor suspicious areas at their earliest stages. Early detection of pre-cancerous tissue can minimize or eliminate the potentially disfiguring effects of oral cancer and possibly save your life. VELscope emits a safe blue light into your mouth, which causes the tissue to appear different colours through the viewfinder. This allows our doctors to tell the difference between normal and abnormal tissue. Best of all, the procedure is quick, painless and potentially life-saving. Ask Drs. Ressler, Hirschl or Lelchuk about a screening at your next appointment.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The importance of regular checkups, from Drs. Ressler, Lelchuk and Hirschl

Is your child brushing his/her teeth twice a day? If yes, that’s fantastic! But, don’t forget that it’s also important for your child to visit our office every six months in addition to brushing their teeth a couple times a day. If your child will be visiting Drs. Ressler, Lelchuk or Hirschl for the first time, it’s important to bring them in after their first tooth comes through, and no later than their first birthday. Regular dental checkups are important for maintaining good oral health. Drs. Lelchuk, Hirschl and Ressler can:

• Check for problems that might not be seen or felt
• Detect cavities and early signs of decay
• Treat oral health problems early
• Show your child how to properly brush and floss their teeth

During an oral exam our doctors will check the health of your child’s mouth, teeth, gums, cheeks and tongue. Checkups will also include a thorough teeth cleaning and polishing. If your child has not been to visit Drs. Ressler, Lelchuk or Hirschl in the last six months, it’s time for you to schedule an appointment!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS, supporting National Nutrition Month

Remember a couple of weeks back, when we discussed February and Heart Month? Well, March marks National Nutrition Month, and every year around this time, Drs. Lelchuk, Ressler and Hirschl and thousands of dentists and hygienists celebrate National Nutrition Month. This March, the team at Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS want you to think diabetes, obesity and periodontal disease, and how healthful eating and physical activity may improve periodontal health.

At Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk DDS, we know small changes really can make a big difference, and the American Dietetic Association (ADA) has some advice on ways to start improving your diet:

Focus on fruits and vegetables: Add a serving each day to one meal and increase it every few weeks. Adding more of these foods into your diet is important whether you buy frozen, fresh or organic.

Think local: From farmer’s markets to community-supported agriculture here in Miami, you have many options to find new, fresh foods.

Make calories count: When you are choosing between options, focus instead on the one with more of the vitamins and nutrients that you need. Sometimes, foods with fewer calories aren’t always the healthiest options.

Test your taste buds: Expand your horizons. Try a fish you’ve never eaten before or find a new vegetable recipe. By testing yourself, you might find new health favorites to add to your regular grocery list.

Trick yourself with treats: If you have a sweet tooth, have fruit and yogurt for dessert. If you want a snack in the afternoon, have some trail mix or nuts.

If you have additional questions about periodontal disease or keeping yourself and your mouth healthy, please give us a call!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What helps you relax in the dentist's chair?

Drs. Ressler, Lelchuk and Hirschl understand not everyone is always thrilled about seeing the dentist. But we strive to bring you the best and most comforting experience at each visit. We’d like to know: What is it about our practice that makes you comfortable or puts you at ease? Is it something about our inviting office environment? Our friendly staff? Drs. Ressler, Lelchuk and Hirschl themselves?

Let us know by posting here or by giving us a call!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

February is Heart Month - Drs. Hirschl, Lelchuk and Ressler

February is Heart Month, a time to take good stock of your heart health. Cardiovascular disease remains American's No.1 killer, claiming more lives than the rest of major causes of death, says the American Heart Association. Studies have shown a correlation between gum disease and heart disease, showing the importance of good oral health care. Visiting our office regularly can help prevent gum disease or at least catch it in its early stages. And because people with dental insurance are more likely to visit a dentist, a healthy mouth begins with a visit to the office of Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk. In observance of Heart Month, our doctors say it’s also important to know your numbers: BMI (less than 25), blood pressure (less than 120/80), and cholesterol (less than 200). If you have any questions about heart health, or about your treatment with Drs. Ressler, Hirschl or Lelchuk, please give us a call today.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The importance of regular checkups, from Drs. Lelchuk, Ressler and Hirschl

Is your child brushing his/her teeth twice a day? If yes, that’s great! But, don’t forget that it’s also important for your child to visit either Drs. Lelchuk, Hirschl or Ressler every six months—in addition to brushing their teeth a couple times a day. If your child will be visiting the dentist for the first time, it’s important to bring them in after their first tooth comes through, and no later than their first birthday. Regular dental checkups are important for maintaining good oral health. Drs. Lelchuk, Hirschl or Ressler can:

• Check for problems that might not be seen or felt
• Detect cavities and early signs of decay
• Treat oral health problems early
• Show your child how to properly brush and floss their teeth.

During an oral exam Drs. Lelchuk, Hirschl or Ressler will check the health of your child’s mouth, teeth, gums, cheeks and tongue. Checkups will also include a thorough teeth cleaning and polishing. If your child has not been seen in our office in the last six months, it’s time to give us a call and schedule an appointment!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

At Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk, 24/7 access to your account

Access to your account, 24/7. Sounds convenient, doesn’t it?

Patients at Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk enjoy access to their account, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, on our web site. You can look up your appointments and all of your account details at your convenience, all from the comfort of your own home! You can even receive appointment reminders through email or text messages! Just see what some of our patients are saying about this innovative service:

"An overall informative service making the patient more knowledgeable on dental procedures,view their appointments,and being able to see your own patient record online incl.your finance account is very useful. It's a wonderful system to have added! Congrats!" ~ Mily S.

"Easy viewing of appts. Ability to receive reminders via text." ~ Elizabeth G.

"They are up to date with technology. I love it!" ~ Wanda D.

"I can continue working while replying to my dentist. I don't have to stop what I am doing, dial, wait and then respond - just click - and it is done!" ~ Julie H.

You, too, may sign up for this convenient service on our web site by clicking the "Patient Login" button on our homepage. Please call the team at Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk if you have any questions!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Talking gum disease with Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk

It’s easy to tell when you have a cavity; but unfortunately, gum disease can exist in your mouth without you even knowing. In fact, you can have the beginning stages of gum disease without noticing any pain or discomfort. Since gum disease can be undetectable, it’s important to watch for warning signs in order to prevent the disease from worsening!

Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk have some signs you need to watch for:

• Gums that appear red or swollen
• Gums that feel tender
• Gums that bleed easily (during brushing or flossing)
• Gums that recede or pull away from the teeth
• Persistent bad breath
• Loose teeth
• Any change in the way teeth come together in the biting position
• Any change in the way partial dentures fit

If you or someone in your family is showing these signs, schedule an appointment right away by giving us a call. We can diagnose the problem and begin treatment to save your teeth and give you back a healthy mouth!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What are patients saying about Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk?

Last week, we asked you, our wonderful patients, what you most liked about the office of Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk . Well, we received some pretty great reviews, and thought we’d share a few with you today. Please feel free to contribute your own thoughts about our office! Drs. Ressler, Hirschl, Lelchuk and our team love getting patient testimonials!

"Dr. Hirschl was very kind & courteous to me. He made me feel comfortable at ease. He's got a great personality." ~ Mily S.

"Dr. Ira showed to be very competent, honest and conservative. All things appreciated by me in a dentist." ~ Andre K.

"The doctors are friendly and conservative with treatments. They don't do more than is needed." ~ Carroll R.

"Easy to get appointments, friendly, convenient." ~ Brielle M.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What do you love about Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk?

For nearly three decades, Drs. Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk have served satisfied patients and the medical community in North Miami Beach and in Miami Beach at Mount Sinai Medical Center. From your very first visit to Ressler, Hirschl, and Lelchuk our doctors and team strive to provide superior treatment in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. We thought we’d ask you, our wonderful patients: Have you been especially impressed by our doctors? Did our team go out of their way to make your day? Do you love your new smile?

Whether you’ve just come in for a consultation or your family has been visiting our office for years, we’d love to hear your feedback on our networks. Or, you can tell us by giving us a call!